Sunday, August 29, 2010


This quote described it perfectly. We texted yesterday, for a lil while. He told me he still loved me & he missed me. I missed him too, shit. I've been missing him. It's crazy because I feel like he's my soulmate. I found it weird how we came about it almost seem like its meant to be.

Shit, maybe its not meant to be, as much as we fought too. I don't know. It's like he wants me to be like bugging him, he told me I could of called him life come on now. I got to thinking if yu missed me so much why didnt he just call? he obviously doesnt miss me like he claims. As much as we use to talk on the phone too much as he said he loved hearing my voice. It's bullshit.

I dont know at this point. I wish God gave me a sign to be honest with you. Because I still want to be with him, im just not sure if he still want me.