The phone thing: I went to Walmart and seen what they were offering, so I decided to wait until my 18th Birthday to get the phone. Tihs phone is a blackberry, im thinking its the 'bold' one.
The boy: I noticed a text, that he texted me on Wednesday ..saying he missed me. At this point, im thinking he wants me to be bugging him none stop and im not putting myself in that position. So fuck it.
My glasses: I went on a paid for my glasses, Dana brung them to me. They dont fit and they make me feel like a have a headache. being all blurry and what not. I'll be definitely causing hell tommorrow. On top of that I think they put the prescription on the wrong side or something.
My life outside of the materials: im fat, my weight will not stay down; I mean im not trying. my acne is like only getting worse. My fucking hair is falling out.
Changes im going to make as of Tommorrow:
- wash my face two times a day.
- sleeping witha rag.
- go back running.
- no fast food.
- no soda.
hopefully this work. I want to see some progress by next saturday.
[current song: Maguel - All I want is You]