Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Family Time.

So this would be My niece and I. This lil lady is probably one of the people I love so much in this world. Yea, she makes me mad, but I love her with all my heart. I solemnly swear I will be nice to her more from now on.
Okay, so these are my older sisters. The tall one is Chiquita and the one sitting down is Ashanique. She's the Marine of the family, yea she chopped her hair off. I love them no matter what.
My nephew [oldest sister's baby] He is so bad, but I love him. When he laughs, he makes yu want to laugh and play more. lol.
So in this here photo, My sister and I were 'battling' her boyfriend and our cousin to 'Teach Me How To Dougie'. It would of been wayy more fun if these wierdos werent lurking. jeez.
[from the left] My sister's boyfriend, my sister, and Me. We were just talking until my mom wanted to take pictures.

SideNote: my sister's relationship to Jerome is so perfect. They've been knowing each other since they were in 7th grade, they fell in love in 8th. Now 6 years down the road they are married. Both of them are extremely happy. Im happy for them, when cupid finally decides to hit me, I want this kind of love ..and only this kind of love. That unbreakable shit. (;